Situational Inheritance

Do you ever wonder, "How did I get here?" No, I don't mean on earth. That's simple enough. God formed us in our mother's womb... in about nine months.... yeah, that's not what I mean. I have been thinking about this idea of looking at where we are like a Situational Inheritance... It may seem simple to you. It seems simple to me, now. Looked at objectively, I can describe my life as of today pretty well. We are here... Here is Base Camp. Here is Will at Harding. Here is Ben at TJC. Here is Sadie at home but…


I look up from my journal and follow Daisy's gaze out the window. The sun is just starting to set. The fields are empty as the last steer is gone the way of steers. Families will be happy at the dinner table as a result. A new batch of young stuff will be here in a month or so. Hopefully. the grass will be back by then and there won't be a need for much hay. It's been cold, but today is warm. Daisy needs a job to do. The armadillo family that lives in the woods back of the…
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in he should not perish but have eternal life. For Go did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. - John 3:16-17 That is why Heather and I celebrate Christmas. I have personally anticipated Christmas more than any other day for as long as I can remember. Initially, it was all about family and presents. And it still is about that :). But the reality of the incarnation has increasingly…