Everyone is worthy of understanding the gospel in a way that is clear and compelling. 

Want to help send multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ to influence families, communities, and the whole world?

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Starting on South Texas college and university campuses, our mission is to win, build, and send multiplying disciples to follow Jesus and build authentic missional movements that influence families, communities, and ultimately the whole world. 

​​We are missionaries with Cru where we give leadership to the Destino team based in San Antonio, TX and collaborate with Faculty Commons. 

We help create opportunities for the gospel to capture hearts, change lives, and launch men and women into a life-long adventure with Jesus. 

the opportunity.
Journeying with students and faculty to reach the world
“The missionary task must never be understood as missionaries proclaiming the gospel to every person. Christ indeed wants every person to hear, but not from missionaries! The missionary task is to bring about the beginning of a gospel movement in every people, so that the people of that given culture will eventually hear the gospel communicated by someone from their own people group.”

In Mark 16:15, Jesus says to… “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”

the vision.
The whole world
God has given us a passion to see a growing witness of His glory from every tribe and tongue all over the world, and to personally go where there is great need and opportunity.

We help remove cultural or social barriers to the gospel and trust God to bridge the spiritual barrier!

journey with us.
Together: We can make a difference
Cru is a non-profit organization where staff are completely supported by individuals, churches, and businesses.
The result is that we have a team of ministry partners who, through prayer and giving, feel a personal involvement in the work.

*We would be thrilled to schedule a short 45 minute Discovery Conversation where we can share our journey up to this point, our hopes and dreams about launching gospel movements of faculty and students on 20 college/university campuses within our geographic scope by 2026, and explore partnership opportunities.