3 ways to make the Gospel clear and compelling

3 ways to make the Gospel clear and compelling

The greatest gift of all time should not be hard to understand, or to communicate… for anyone. Below are 3 things we should keep in mind as we share the good news with others.

But first, a few assumptions:

– We have the other person’s best interest in mind. We truly want them to grasp the good news for himself or herself.

– We have the credibility and permission we need to be heard. This credibility and permission may have been built up over time through friendship, or it has come quickly.

– We begin as a listener and learner. Sharing the good news is usually a conversation.

When those assumptions are true, and we want to communicate the gospel, here are three important things to keep in mind. Our communication should:

1. Be Culturally Relevant

Culture matters. The songs we sing. The issues we talk about at the dinner table. Our shared history. The ideas that define us. These things are important.

2. Answer the questions being asked

If someone wants to know how Christianity deals with current pain and suffering in the world, let’s answer that question.

3. Addresses heart longings

Someone whose deepest desire is being included in a family that knows them deeply and loves them unconditionally should understand the invitation they have been given that is no shorter than adopted as a son or daughter of the most knowing and loving person that has ever been or will ever be.

When our good news sharing is culturally relevant, answers the questions being asked, and addresses heart longings, people are able to understand the gospel in a way that is clear and compelling.