Gene’s Sabbatical Adventure, Issue 1 : Jan 24, 2024

Gene’s Sabbatical Adventure, Issue 1 : Jan 24, 2024

I’ve had the good fortune to spend a good bit of time standing in cold trout water casting upstream to trophy trout. At least in my mind they were trophy trout.

The idea is to gently land the fly just above the fish and let it drift as naturally as possible through the fish’s feeding slot. It’s also important is that the fly line land softly with just the right of slack so that on the one hand it doesn’t drag the fly, and on the other the fisherman has sufficient amount of control of the fly to set the hook.

There’s a lot that needs to go right in all that and a lot that can go wrong. When something goes wrong, at best, the fish doesn’t take the fly. At worst, the fish is so spooked that it won’t take a fly for what seems like a month, and the other fish in the area won’t either. I’ve had plenty of experience with this. I’ve also had the occasional experience of the fish not taking the fly, even after a great cast. In either case, I’ve learned that the best thing to do is just let it drift out of the area while causing as little disturbance as possible, let the water, the fish, and my nerves settle, study the water afresh, pick up the line, and cast again. I actually think that’s good advice even when everything goes right and fish come easily to hand.

Every so often, it’s good to pause, let things settle, clean the glasses, retie the leader, clean up the fly box, and plan out the next cast.

I actually think that’s good advice that can be used for more than just fly fishing.

And Cru leadership agrees. So I’m embarking on a sabbatical, where we are trusting God for the unfinished (Ex 10-12), and I draw away (according to Cru policy and best practice) from virtually all of my ministry and leadership responsibilities for 2 months in order to rest, recover, refocus, and realign with the good works for which I was created in Christ Jesus (Eph 2:10).

Here are the four primary objectives of this sabbatical:

  • Significant connection with God
  • Sense of being caught up
  • Rhythms of work and rest
  • Strategic alignment with calling, purpose, and priorities

And I will pursue those objectives in three phases:

  • Phase 1 (Jan 22 – Feb 17) is all about rest and recovery. It’s ‘letting the line drift out.’
  • Phase 2 (Feb 19 – Mar 9) is Reflect and Refocus, or ‘letting things settle.’
  • Phase 3 (Mar 11 – Mar 22 is Revision and Realign – ‘planning my next cast.’

One potential hazard of sabbatical is isolation. While I am looking forward to some significant solitude in the months ahead, I hope to remain connected, and I need accountability.

And so I intend to share the journey by posting each week 3 things I am grateful for from the previous week, what I’m currently learning, and 3 primary goals for the coming week.

I would love for you to follow along…

3 things I’m grateful for from the last week

  1. Time with Sadie watching an old (late 90’s early 2000’s) tv show.

I won’t say what show it is, that’s not what I’m grateful for. It’s really the hour or so in the evening laughing and talking with my daughter, who is growing up way too fast.

  1. The space and time to see Will in Los Angeles before and after Legacía: a Destino Gathering (formerly Destino Winter Conference) where some 29 students put their faith in Jesus.

Will flew out on the 8th and will be there through the middle of April for the LA Film Study Program his university partners with. I few out a day early and stayed an extra day in order to spend that time with him. I wouldn’t trade that time for the world.

  1. Conversations I’ve had with Ben about girls and cars and taking next steps.

Particularly next steps that make sense for him after he graduates from high school in the spring. His future is bright. It’s so bright that it’s hard to see the best way to go. But it’s the journey that counts, and I’m glad to be on it with him.

What I am learning

That being seated with Christ (Eph 2:6) means that I don’t have to fight for a spot any other table. Not even the influential table or the “has it all together” table. And certainly not the table for great fly casters. (I have been re-reading Seated with Christ, by Heather Holleman, and highly recommend it)

That the mission doesn’t depend on me, even while deserving my very best.

And if I’m not careful, I’ll get sidetracked, and won’t get done the things that are most important.

3 goals for this week

  1. Get the posts set for the yard fence around the house to keep the steers OUT of the yard and OFF of the porch.
  2. Finish re-reading Seated with Christ and first reading of Abba’s Child by Brennan Manning.
  3. Make sure systems are updated and ready to take Base Camp Beef pre-sale orders.

This concludes the first issue of “Gene’s Sabbatical Journey.” Thanks for reading. Please pray for me as I endeavor to pursue well this amazing opportunity. And please pray for Heather too, as I stumble around trying to gain solid footing.