Welcome to The Base Camp Journal! It’s an honor to have you.
We believe that people have a natural urge to explore – this constant pull to discover what’s around the next bend or over the next rise.
At the same time, we crave roots – the utterly familiar where we rest, recover, dream, and plan… in an atmosphere of well-being, acceptance, and grace… where we are known and loved, without requirement or condition, free of stress, worry, and anxiety.
I would like to inspire people to consider what is most important, celebrate meaningful moments, and embark on their own epic journeys, whatever they may be.
What you can expect
I’m a Christian – a follower of Jesus Christ – and this relationship influences how I think, what I write, and how I write it.
Authenticity is important. Synonyms of “authentic” are honest, real, and true. That is my commitment … Honest. Real. True.
I think it is important to note that I don’t always (or maybe ever) live up to the ideas or ideals presented here. In those cases, my writing is aspirational. So, while I do seek to avoid presenting a curated picture of my life or family, I do intend to bring my best. And giving credit where credit is due, a bunch of the photos used are stock photos.