

Margin... I like the sound of the word. According to Merriam-Webster, one of it's uses is: an area, state, or condition excluded from or existing outside the mainstream.I understand this. And know people living there. Some by choice, some because of circumstances. I often gravitate to these margins, outside mainstream. Another is: a spare amount or measure or degree allowed or given for contingencies or special situations. This seems wise. According to Richard Swenson, in his book by the same name, Margin is the space between or load and our limits. It is the amount allowed beyond that which is…
Gene’s Sabbatical Adventure, Issue 5 : March 30, 2024

Gene’s Sabbatical Adventure, Issue 5 : March 30, 2024

I just finished a 2 month sabbatical. Cru’s updated sabbatical policy provides for and encourages missionary staff to take a 2 month sabbatical after 5 years serving full-time and then every 5 years until 20 years serving full-time, when sabbatical is 3 months. Heather and I approaching 14 years. Such a blessing. Such an honor. It was hard to step away from ministry and leadership responsibilities for a season. But I am so glad that I did. During the planning process, I uncovered 4 priority issues that needed to be addressed: Margin (or lack of margin felt as always being…

Gene’s Sabbatical Adventure, Issue 4 : Feb 16, 2024

Feeling good is a blessing. And I've taken it for granted. Generally, I'd say that I'm a pretty healthy guy. Allergies get me every once in a while, but it's not usually bad, and rarely lasts very long. Until this year. It started in early January with an allergy related cough. Then at the end of January something hit me hard. Fever and the whole bit. That's gone now but the cough isn't. But even that will be gone soon and the celebrating will begin. 3 things I'm grateful for from the last week 1. Monday night Bible study 2.…