Base Camp Beef Co.

A couple of years ago, I began noticing how much I was missing having our whole family gathered around the table for dinner.

Sure, we were super busy. Still are.

There was so much in the way. Busy days. Activity filled evenings. The desire for a little “easy.”

But I was missing the regular connection with the ones I love the most. I was missing the laughter. The stories. Hearing about everyone’s day. And their hopes for the days to come. I missed the lingering, and the spontaneous games of ruckus.

At the same time, we began talking about launching a multi-generational family beef company as a homeschool entrepreneurial project. What better educational opportunity could there be for our 3 high school kids than learning how to launch a business?

So we decided to go for it.

After a successful run as a Homeschool Entrepreneurial Project in the fall of 2021 and winter 2022, and our moving to our family’s Base Camp outside of Pleasanton in 2023, our desire is simple:

Finish a few steers each year and offer an easy option for healthy, clean, locally sourced grass-fed beef packages curated to meet the needs of any family.

*Note: Heather and I do not receive any personal income from BCBCo. All of our personal income comes from our work with Cru.*

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