“I hope it’s all worthwhile.”

“I hope it’s all worthwhile.”

"So Gene, how are you checking in?" At the time, the question was kind of annoying. I had a lot of irons in the fire and was feeling pretty stretched and strung out. "Like I'm heading a hundred miles an hour toward a brick wall." I often feel that way... like what I'm going for is too big for me. And that is generally by design... God is looking for people through whom He can do the impossible—what a pity that we plan only the things we can do by ourselves. —A.W. TOZER But sometimes too big is actually too…


Margin... I like the sound of the word. According to Merriam-Webster, one of it's uses is: an area, state, or condition excluded from or existing outside the mainstream.I understand this. And know people living there. Some by choice, some because of circumstances. I often gravitate to these margins, outside mainstream. Another is: a spare amount or measure or degree allowed or given for contingencies or special situations. This seems wise. According to Richard Swenson, in his book by the same name, Margin is the space between or load and our limits. It is the amount allowed beyond that which is…
Gene’s Sabbatical Adventure, Issue 3 : Feb 7, 2024

Gene’s Sabbatical Adventure, Issue 3 : Feb 7, 2024

Puppies are cute, fun, and a bunch of work. Daisy is all that and more. I'm not sure we were ready for her, yet here she is sneaking her way into our family, one chewed on boot at a time. This sabbatical journey has taken an unexpected turn. I went in excited, energized, and with a plan. I had it all broken down. There was no way this time was going to get away from me. And then I got sick. Nothing like feeling awful for days on end to chip away at moral. It's been awhile since I've felt…