Situational Inheritance

Do you ever wonder, "How did I get here?" No, I don't mean on earth. That's simple enough. God formed us in our mother's womb... in about nine months.... yeah, that's not what I mean. I have been thinking about this idea of looking at where we are like a Situational Inheritance... It may seem simple to you. It seems simple to me, now. Looked at objectively, I can describe my life as of today pretty well. We are here... Here is Base Camp. Here is Will at Harding. Here is Ben at TJC. Here is Sadie at home but…
Transformational Relationships

Transformational Relationships

I am reading How To Know a Person by David Brooks for the second time. The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen is under the title. ... that idea feels like warm, gentle water easing calmly over a rusted washboard on a cold day. It doesn't much seem like seeing others deeply and being deeply seen by them has been the norm for some time, perhaps even less so in recent years. And yet, people need to be seen. To be known. To be understood. Even to be loved. And there, at least in my mind, lies…
I love the sun in my face in the morning

I love the sun in my face in the morning

It makes me feel alive! We've all been there. Perhaps its sitting in a duck blind or a deer stand. Been there an hour or two. At first it's dark and you're there set up. And then you begin to be able to see things around you. Eventually, you can make out the muy grande that's miraculously turned into a stump. And then it's shooting time. Every breath hangs in excitement. Cold creeps in. Any minute now... The top of the sun breaks over the horizon officially signaling a new day. I like to travel. Mostly, I like to travel…