The whole campus, to the whole world. In this generation.

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Everyone is worthy of understanding the gospel in a way that is clear and compelling.

Imagine a hillside in summer, by a high mountain plateau.

Campers have come to enjoy the beauty of the mountains, the clear streams, and the lure of the forest. Twilight fades into night as a few lonely campfires glow in a seemingly losing battle against growing darkness.

Then something amazing begins to happen.

New campfires spring to life. Points of warm, flickering light ignite all over the hillside, spreading out as far as the eye can see.

Illuminated in the glow of each fire, a band of friends gather. eager to share a meal and experience the warmth of true friendship.

“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”

Mark 16:15

Though many will become leaders of tomorrow,

today’s college students are struggling: record rates of depression, mental illness, loneliness, and spiritual disconnection.

Add to this the influence of professors.

Many of them are non-religious and some are even hostile to Christianity.

70% of students who say they come from a Christian home will walk away from faith in Christ by the time they graduate.

But students are looking for answers…

Who is God? (and why does that matter to me?)

What about marriage and family? (what does that even mean? Is it possible to love someone forever?)

What am I going to do with the rest of my life? (what will I leave behind?)

And there are Christian professors who want to be a light on campus for Jesus.

As Christ-followers, they are looking for ways to do so that are ethical, legal, appropriate, and winsome.

And students are open to spiritual conversations.

And many are putting their faith in Christ.

In a way similar to the hillside scene above, God is working to ignite fires in new places, illuminating the darkness with His presence. **

Starting on San Antonio and South Texas college campuses, our mission is to win, build, and send multiplying disciples who follow Jesus and build authentic missional movements that influence families, communities, and ultimately the whole world. 

For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent?

Romans 10:13-15

We create opportunities for the gospel to capture hearts, transform lives, and launch men and women into a life-long adventure with Jesus.

*If you would like to hear our story, what God is doing through our work with faculty, staff, and students, and how you could partner in this strategic work prayerfully or financially, we would be honored to get together!

** Credit Cru’s Expedition Team Training for hillside illustration.

Learn more about Cru here.