About the Base Camp Journal

About the Base Camp Journal

Welcome to The Base Camp Journal! It’s an honor to have you. We believe that people have a natural urge to explore - this constant pull to discover what’s around the next bend or over the next rise. At the same time, we crave roots - the utterly familiar where we rest, recover, dream, and plan… in an atmosphere of well-being, acceptance, and grace… where we are known and loved, without requirement or condition, free of stress, worry, and anxiety. I want to inspire people to consider what is most important, celebrate meaningful moments, and embark on their own epic…
The next step

The next step

Our first conversations when we met included the possibility of adopting. We were both drawn to the idea and assumed the potential from the beginning. But the path was hazy. And then the time came for us. Like sweet tidings carried upon the morning breeze were our minds swept up with a dream of a different kind of family We met with a few couples who had traveled the adoption trail before us. The goal was information and advice. Everyone had a story. Some were stories of great gladness. Others told of unimaginable sorrow. But each story started with a…
3 ways to make the Gospel clear and compelling

3 ways to make the Gospel clear and compelling

The greatest gift of all time should not be hard to understand, or to communicate... for anyone. Below are 3 things we should keep in mind as we share the good news with others. But first, a few assumptions: - We have the other person's best interest in mind. We truly want them to grasp the good news for himself or herself. - We have the credibility and permission we need to be heard. This credibility and permission may have been built up over time through friendship, or it has come quickly. - We begin as a listener and learner.…