Thoughts about the DOE’s proposal to rescind protections for religious student groups on campus

When I first heard about the Department of Education's new proposed regulations rescinding its prior rule from 2020, which required public universities to give religious student organizations the same benefits given to other student organizations, not treating them differently due to their religious beliefs or leadership standards, I was a bit panicked. That panic was quickly replaced with sorrow. But not before a range of other emotions including fear and even anger. I wish I could say that I am always full of peace. But I’m not. Anxiety is real. I know because (please don’t tell anyone :)) I battle…
If Old Pickups Could Talk

If Old Pickups Could Talk

Ben and I took a fishing and talking trip to the mountains several years ago. While driving through the Texas Panhandle, we passed an old pickup left in a pasture along the road. I’ve lately been thinking about that old pickup and got to wondering about the roads it traveled and the kinds of things it might say if it could talk. I imagine it saying things like … “You know that I was built to work, right?” “I burn the gas just as good off the bottom of the tank as the top.” “The sun feels good, but too…
Raising Livestock and Shooting Doves off the Back Porch

Raising Livestock and Shooting Doves off the Back Porch

Have you ever come out of the house early in the morning with dew on the grass, a nip in the air, and a job of work to do that you know will be hard but you want to do anyway? A job not unlike what your great grandpa might have done, or his great grandpa before him? A job that connects you with the land and the cattle that depend on it, for their very existence? Not many do. And fewer and fewer will as time goes on. I have, in a small way. It’s what led me to…