Gene’s Sabbatical Adventure, Issue 1 : Jan 24, 2024

Gene’s Sabbatical Adventure, Issue 1 : Jan 24, 2024

I've had the good fortune to spend a good bit of time standing in cold trout water casting upstream to trophy trout. At least in my mind they were trophy trout. The idea is to gently land the fly just above the fish and let it drift as naturally as possible through the fish's feeding slot. It's also important is that the fly line land softly with just the right of slack so that on the one hand it doesn't drag the fly, and on the other the fisherman has sufficient amount of control of the fly to set the…
10 benefits of a freezer full of beef

10 benefits of a freezer full of beef

We have been fortunate to have a constant supply of beef in the freezer for more than a year. Even though the thermometer's reading around 104 degrees, we're planning a little cookout this evening. I'm just back from the freezer to bring in a few more pounds of ground to begin thawing and realized that we’re getting close to being out. I’m not sure how I’ve let this happen but there it is… a few weeks worth of beef left, and the certainty of running out before we process the next batch of steers. I’m not real sure how we’ll…