Hitting a lick vs doing the very best we can

Hitting a lick vs doing the very best we can

I remember it like it was yesterday… It was about 3 weeks into the spring semester of my freshman year of college and I had just made the decision to be done with baseball, which had been a big part of my identity since I was about 12 years old. I had long dreamed of playing in college. My roommate was a football player and understood what I was going through. The question he asked still makes me shrink up a little bit … "Did you give your all and get as far as you wanted to go?" It is't…
6 good reasons for being a good neighbor

6 good reasons for being a good neighbor

Heather was leaving to take kids to school and there were cows in the road outside our gate. Again. Once I got them back in our pasture, I counted 27 cows and calfs. They belong to our neighbor to the east of us and have been coming over through a break in our east fence and another neighbor's fence to our south. We were't expecting steers for another few weeks so it wasn't a big deal But when they come through our neighbor's fence to our south, they were able to get to the road. And as anyone who's spent…
10 benefits of a freezer full of beef

10 benefits of a freezer full of beef

We have been fortunate to have a constant supply of beef in the freezer for more than a year. Even though the thermometer's reading around 104 degrees, we're planning a little cookout this evening. I'm just back from the freezer to bring in a few more pounds of ground to begin thawing and realized that we’re getting close to being out. I’m not sure how I’ve let this happen but there it is… a few weeks worth of beef left, and the certainty of running out before we process the next batch of steers. I’m not real sure how we’ll…