Never spend less than $100

Never spend less than $100

We all know what it is like to feel trapped in the urgent. You know, all the stuff that if somehow don’t get done right now the world will come crashing down. I woke up the other morning about 3 with a list of four or five things that all of a sudden “absolutely had to get done today for sure”, if not yesterday. (It is interesting that these things were comfortably on a list of “things that ought to be done tomorrow” the night before.) But at three am when I really should have been sleeping, the blasted things…
Lessons learned from making the move

Lessons learned from making the move

We made the move to Base Camp. Been here about two weeks. Not settled in yet. Rained the first week. Out of town last week. Grass knee high in most places. Higher in some. Tractor won’t start. Need to get that figured out. Need to move some cattle in. Need to make the perimeter fence secure. Need to finish unpacking boxes. Need to… Need to… And on and on the list goes. And I am beyond grateful to be here… Heather and I are dreamers. We’re explorers. We’re tryers. Trying and failing go hand in hand. And therefore, sure, we’re…

Thoughts about the DOE’s proposal to rescind protections for religious student groups on campus

When I first heard about the Department of Education's new proposed regulations rescinding its prior rule from 2020, which required public universities to give religious student organizations the same benefits given to other student organizations, not treating them differently due to their religious beliefs or leadership standards, I was a bit panicked. That panic was quickly replaced with sorrow. But not before a range of other emotions including fear and even anger. I wish I could say that I am always full of peace. But I’m not. Anxiety is real. I know because (please don’t tell anyone :)) I battle…