And yet…

There is so much that’s great. People. Ideas. Landscapes. Art. Friendship. Courage. Skill. Individuality. Purpose. Love… like the love Heather must have for me. And like the love Jesus must have for me… to give up his life for me on the cross, to redeem me. Me! A chief of sinners. What do I feel when I realize how retched I actually am … wholly incapable of pulling myself out of the muck I am so drawn to and turning and calling out to Jesus? Because if I am honest, I secretly wish I could be deserving of salvation on…
Lessons learned from making the move

Lessons learned from making the move

We made the move to Base Camp. Been here about two weeks. Not settled in yet. Rained the first week. Out of town last week. Grass knee high in most places. Higher in some. Tractor won’t start. Need to get that figured out. Need to move some cattle in. Need to make the perimeter fence secure. Need to finish unpacking boxes. Need to… Need to… And on and on the list goes. And I am beyond grateful to be here… Heather and I are dreamers. We’re explorers. We’re tryers. Trying and failing go hand in hand. And therefore, sure, we’re…

I am from…

I am from blackberry stained baseball caps, pickup trucks, and opportunity. From the piney woods to peaches and live oaks... and prickly pear. The setting sun, the next rise, and trips to the sale barn. Hot days bringing in the hay, and cold days putting it out again.  The Navasota River bottom… whitetails, the unrivaled comfort of fires … just the right size … at just the right time, where I first experienced that intoxicating taste of being trusted… what it means to be a man. The approval of a hero.  Ideas pondered during hours and hours on a tractor……